Tuesday, December 23, 2008


So here I lay in bed at 11:57 pm Blogstalking. I dont know if I cant sleep or if im stalling because I have to get up early and dread the feeling of turning off the alarm. On thing Im sure of is that Im having a serious radiating pain down my left leg caused from a serious case of siatica. (inflamation of the Sciatic Nerve, I think the biggest nerve in your leg) Maybe I need to pop my back and re align my spine or something so it will no longer be pinched and irritated. Who knows. I was just reading all these blogs of people who I went to high school with. They are all married. Weird. I cant imagine being married right now. When Jeannie was this age she was prego with Eli I believe. hum.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


So. Finals are finally over and I have time to do stuff other than study =). I actually did pretty good. I got A's on all of my finals! Here's a picture to show my good score!

Also here's a picture from the light Parade last weekend. It was our float from the pool.

This was our nursing Christmas Party. We had to make horns/antlers from baloons and Nylons.

We have way too much fun. But Im so glad this semester is over!

About Me

HI! Im Michelle. Im in my third of four semesters of nursing school. I don't really have too many exciting things to blog about so enjoy what ya can!

my music