Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pictures Finally!

Giving Direction!
Sorry the Lights are in the Way!

Such good Cheerleaders! Such a good Coach! Ha!

Friday, September 19, 2008

So bored at night in Richfield!

Im in Richfield visiting the new baby. I got get on Thursday night and saw them at the hospital. Today has been very fun! I've spent the whole day playing with baby CJ and Butch and Jess. She is so cute. We got to bring her home from the hospital, that was fun me and Butch loaded up the car and then we followed new mom and Cj out. They make such a cute family. Butch is so cute. He's always kissing on her and wanting to hold her. I always wondered what kind of a dad he would be but I think I always knew he'd be just like this. After he took little Eli under his wing I figured he would love it. Im sorry there are no pictures on here. I can never have my camera and the cord and the internet at the same time. GRR. Im so annoyed with my internet that ive been paying for since August and has only worked the first like two weeks. So Im still using Kim's compter when she'll let me. Anyways. School is going good. I spent wednesday and thursday of last week over in Cortez Co. at the nursing home there for clinicals. Then this week I was based in Blanding but was doing home health so Thursday I was all over the reservation so we even had to take an interperter along so we had some sort of communication with our patients. They were so cute. But right now Im pretty much just bored so thats why this is so long. Im going to Price tomorrow to hang out. Going to try to beat the rush of all the friends and family comming over. Thats not really my thing. But ya. Ill stop boring you now! Bye!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


So my mom told me that I need to inform you all of who the people in my pictures are. She said so you know who I am.???... So the one up top is Kim my good friend and roommate, and the other is Bud he is a friend that is in my nursing classes with me. There ya go MOM.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our Adventrous Saturday!

So today was Saturday and Kim and I didn't want to be bored all day as usual in this tiny eventless town. So we decided to take the hour and ten minute drive to Cortez Colorado. This town is the closest walmart. So we shopped and blah blah so Kim wanted to do 1 hr photo so we decided to go down to the 4 corners and check it out. We headed out and before we knew it we were in Shiprock New Mexico. Ya i know. Apparently we missed the turn. So we called my nursing friend Bud and he pointed us in the right direction. Once we got there we noticed it costs money to get in. Cash is something I never carry. Kim either. So we decided since we had came that far we were going to drive into Arizona to some trading post to use the ATM. Finally we made it and took pictures and saw the cutest dogs. Im not a fan of dogs in any way but these were OK i guess. Ha. Also Last night was the first home football game so here's a few shots. The girls did way good. I was super proud of them. Im using Kims computer so until my Internet starts working It will be a while on pictures.

About Me

HI! Im Michelle. Im in my third of four semesters of nursing school. I don't really have too many exciting things to blog about so enjoy what ya can!

my music