Monday, October 24, 2011

Yes it has been a year..... a YEAR since my last post.

Most of you know I'm married now! Kyle and I got married in September! It was beautiful. We are living here in Carbon County.

Yes i finished the RN program thank goodness, that was awful, and am now working super extra full time. Usually 40+ hours at Parkdale, a care center, still seeing my patient in Payson every week, then my patient in Layton every other weekend. Who knows why I keep so many jobs, I drive myself crazy being so busy. Ooop almost forgot I'm coaching Cheer at the Jr. High here in Price. Thats my favorite job, too bad it doesn't pay like a real job :)

Kyle is coaching at the High School this year. It was sad him leaving Mont Harmon cause we were always together at games last year, but this is what he wants to do. He gets along great with that age group of boys that he has coached for years. There's even a few I'm sure he would like to adopt. :)

I've been working graveyards Sunday- Tuesday since July and believe me I have hated every moment of it. Starting November first I will no longer be on graves anymore. Thank the Lord... Seriously though. I have been a hagitha since July.

Thats about all for now. I'll post again next November :)

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About Me

HI! Im Michelle. Im in my third of four semesters of nursing school. I don't really have too many exciting things to blog about so enjoy what ya can!

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